Here you will find information about the operator of the website, terms of use and much more.
Website operator, media owner and publisher
dhig GmbH with
registered office in 1010 Vienna, Fleischmarkt 9
registered at the Commercial Court of Vienna under FN 515759w
Fleischmarkt 9, A-1010 Wien
UID No: ATU74615026
Phone +43 1 3008181 website
Basic direction of the medium
The purpose of the dhig GmbH website is to provide information about our company, services and products and related information. This information is not an offer in the legal sense.
Terms of use
The information on this website has been carefully compiled and is updated on an ongoing basis. Nevertheless, dhig GmbH assumes no liability for correctness, completeness and topicality. dhig GmbH tries to make the website available at any time, but no liability is assumed if this website is not available in whole or in part for a certain period of time. The information contained on the website in no way constitutes legal, investment or other advice. For binding information on our insurance contracts, we refer to the insurance policies and the contractual conditions underlying them. For any further information, please contact our service line directly at +43 1 3008181. dhig GmbH is in no case liable for any direct or indirect damage or consequential damage resulting from the use of information or material from the dhig GmbH website or from access via links to other websites. dhig GmbH does not assume any liability that information, software or other material accessible via its website is free of viruses or other harmful components.
It is possible to reach other websites that are not operated by dhig GmbH through the hyperlinks provided on the dhig GmbH website. Such websites contain information that originates from independent third parties and may be useful and interesting for the visitor of this website. It is pointed out that the respective provider is exclusively responsible for the content and design of the respective websites. The dhig GmbH does not assume any liability for such providers and the information provided by them.
Data security on the Internet
The World Wide Web is a publicly accessible system. Any time personal information is voluntarily disclosed online, you do so at your own risk. Your data can be lost on the way or fall into the hands of unauthorized persons. A liability on the part of dhig GmbH does not exist in such cases.
Data protection
Data protection has a high priority at dhig GmbH and personal data is treated with absolute confidentiality. If we receive data from you via our website, it will only be used for the purposes you have requested.
Territorial limitation
Austrian law applies to all legal relationships.
Equal Treatment Act
Dhig GmbH observes the Equal Treatment Act (GlBG) and does not discriminate against anyone in accessing its services on the basis of their ethnicity or gender. Persons who nevertheless feel discriminated against can turn to the Ombud for Equal Treatment for advice.
For reasons of easier readability, however, gender-specific differentiation has been omitted. Corresponding formulations apply in principle to all genders in the sense of equal treatment.
The structure and content of this website are protected by copyright. The use of text or image material is – unless expressly stated otherwise – only permitted with the consent of dhig GmbH. If links to the homepage or one of the websites of dhig GmbH are set, the website of dhig GmbH must be the sole component of the browser window.